Tuesday 19 April 2011

MAIN: Post 9: Production

Production Report
During the filming part of our task we had to work together as a group to come out with good results. We had to plan out when we were all free to film so that we all could work together. We set a time and location for the three of us to set up and film our sequence. When we has set up all of our equipment we had to think about what was the best place to postion the camera due to the lighting and the suitability of the surroundsing whilst filming. We also had to decied on what shot sizes we would use and we had to think about doing a couple of different shot sizes of the same scene because during the editing stages it would give us more of an option to what shot we wanted to use in the final sequence. We had to work together if we thought that something that we was going to do in our original idea did not work out to plan so we had to come together and think of different ideas that we could do instead of this original idea, and example of this was when we had the idea of kidnapper having his own footage of the two school girls and having it from his perspective and we realised that this was not working out as well as we planned because it would confuse the audience when the film carrys on to be in the thrid person not the first person. Due to the fact that we had already filmed our whole sequence in the first person we realised that our footage was not good enough because our camera was not stable and the distance from where it was filmed and it was zoomed in when there was movement there was a shadow of the movement and we all decided that it was not of a good enough quality and come to the conclusion that we would have to re-film the whole sequence again. We made ourselves more organized and changed parts of our origninal idea to make it better. We got more people involved to help us out and be in the background to create the school scene. We did a lot more different shot sizes and this would help us during the editing stages. We found that the second time filming was more successful than the first time and we ended up with better results.

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