Tuesday 8 February 2011

MAIN: Post 7:Focus Group

We set up a focus group of two boys and two girls, they are around the same age as us but they each have different interests in films. We sat them down together and explained in detail our idea for out opening sequence, we then gave them time to think about it and what they thought and we then asked them a series of questions while filming them. We asked them questions such as 'what genre of film do you think this is?' and the main answers were mystery, drama and thriller. We also asked questions such as 'what are your first impressions of the film from what we have told you?' and by us asking these questions has given us and idea to whether we think we need to change our idea for the opening sequence and how to improve. This is a key piece of research into whether our idea is good because it tells us if this opening sequence will make people want to watch the rest of the film which is what an opening sequence is meant to do. This is our video from the focus group..

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