Tuesday, 19 April 2011

MAIN: Post 12.5: Question 5

How did you attract/ address your audience?

In the opening sequence I feel that the music would attract the audience because it makes the whole senario seem more intense because you are a bit unsure on where the story will lead. The titles in our opening sequence may attract the audience because of the particular font and font size and colour we used and they would catch the audiences eye and this may attract them to watching the film. Also the use of different camera angles and shot sizes would do this because it makes the film look more jumpy by cutting from one shot to a title and then to another shot and this makes it look more intense and would therefore create more of an audience.

These are screen grabs of our opening sequence which may atrract the audience.
These two pictures above and to the right may attract our audience because they are showing that it is intense and that you are unsure on what is going to happen to the girl.

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