I was unable to upload our final opening sequence onto my blog so I have put a link to below to click on and it will show our opening sequence.
Task 1.1-
Directors Commentry on 'Suspect'
The storyline of the film is a police investigation of a girl going missing after school. We placed the stalker in front of the camera while following the girl out of the school and this created the genres that we were trying to create which was mystery/ crime/ drama. By putting the man in front of the camera gives a sense of all three of these genres. The storyline is simple by the way we have done it so it is easy to understand, we have also made it more clear about what is going on by putting a voice over of a police report about what has happened and that the fottage being shown was sent into the police station and then leads on to the rest of the film about a detective case of trying to find the girl that has gone missing.
The narrative enigma is not answered in the opening sequence about whether the girl is going to be found so for it to be answered they must watch the whole film to find out. As the film goes on it is a detective case to try and find the person who has taken the girl and as it tells us in the voice over the kidnapper is believed to have been involved in other crimes and is a threat. The storyline of this will unfold as the film goes on. So therefore, the opening sequence we have created and the feeling it gives off will make the audience carry on watching the rest of the film.
The camera angles and sizes that we have used are effective in the way the it gives of different feelings for the rest of the film. We have also placed titles in places where it goes from one shot to another. We found that watching someone walking and a camera following them for too long looses the audiences attenetion so we placed titles in certain places and we jumped to different parts so it would keep the attention from the audience. By doing this we saved alot of time on the opening sequence to add more titles and it does not allow the audience to get bored and loose interest too soon.
We have a non-diagetic light tempo soundtrack playing the whole way through the opening sequence and this is creating a mood where the audience is being drawn in to what is happening on the screen and creates the intensity of the sitiuation. There is also a voice over which is layered over the other soundtrack which we have used and this is building up more of an atmosphere.
The titles that we have added in our opening sequence all have a purpose to where they are placed in the sequence and for how long they last. We have placed them in parts where we want to go from different shot sizes, e.g at the beginning of the sequence it shows a long shot, then goes to a title and then it goes to a medium shot and this is a good way of going to different shot sizes and angles so we do not have to use jump cuts. The titles fade in and fade out and the font is not very big but is the right font to catch the audiences attention.
The mise-en-scene of the characters is a school uniform with a maroon blazer and black skirt, they are also holding school bags and this is creating the idea of them being school girls without having to question it, so the characters purpose is stated through their costumes.
I found this image from the website http://www.artofthetitle.com/ and this is an image board from the film 'Se7en' and they are screen shots taken from the opening sequence of this film. I have looked at this because the genre of the film is a mystery thriller and our genre had a part of mystery in it and I looked to see what kind of screen shots they used to show their opening sequence. This helped me make my image board with screen shots from our opening sequence and below is the one that I have made...
This is a table of nine screen shots that I have collected from our opening sequence 'Suspect'. I have chosen these pasific screen shots because I think that they give you an idea of what happens in the opening sequence and what the story line for the rest of the film will be about. I have shown two images of different titles, the first is showing the title of the film which is 'Suspect' and the second one is showing the company of the production of the film. I have then shown the other images because I feel that it makes it look intense about what the film is about and if someone has not seen the clip then these images would make people want to know more about it and would have more public interest about the film. Also some of the images such as the fourth and the sixth images have dark lighting and this is showing the mood that is being portrayed.
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