Tuesday, 19 April 2011

MAIN: Post 12.4: Question 4

 Who would be the audience for your meida prodcut?

I think that our media product would be aimed at a sophisticated audience because more people that like detective/mystery films would go and watch a film genre like we created. I also think that our media product would atrract more males over females due to the fact that more men are more interested in storylines of an investigation. I also think that our product would appeal to the audience ages of 16+ because the idea of the storyline is serious and I feel that this age range would understand it more than if they were any younger. I also feel that the young audience would be attracted to this type of film is because the characters are young and the young audience would be able to relate to this.
I think the main audience for our film would be males around the age of 35 because they are more likely to be interested in films with this particular genre.

<-- I have included a picture of a policeman and a teacher because I think that this genre of our film would attract and also relate back to their occupation. They may find it interesting because this is the storyline of what could be around them in their jobs. I also think the age of these people is a key factor because they are around the ages of 30 and this is the age that I thought would be interested in this particular genre of film.

--> I have shown two pictures of males of different ages and the reason to why I have shown this is because I think that our opening sequence and film would appeal to males. I have shown a younger male due to the fact that it is set around the age of people that attend school and it is within their social group and I have shown an older male because I feel that this is the sort of age of a male that would like this particular genre of film.

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