Tuesday, 25 January 2011

MAIN: Post 5a: Macro/ Micro analysis of an opening sequence from your genre

I looked at two different opening sequences from our groups chosen genre and I identified all of the different conventions and broke it down into each elements that make the opening sequence. I looked out for Macro which is narrative, representation and genre. I also looked at Micro which is camera (shots/ angles/ movement), sound, mise- en-scene (place), editing (cuts, order, pace, transitions), special effects. By looking at all of these conventions in an opening sequence it helps you find more out about what happens in an opening sequence and how these things are effective for our chosen genre.
-This is the first film that I looked at which is Se7en and these are the conventions I found:
-First image, extreme close up of a book, dark, someone turning the oages of the book.
-Black screen, writing comes on the screen, white, glowing, flashy, small handwritten font
-Image of hands on piece of paper, dark image, font on the screen over the image.
-Fast jumpy clips of hands and metal equiptment, fast cuts.
-Black screen with the name of actor, same font size and font, font moves, jumps, flashes
-Extreme close ups of hands holding a piece of metal, cutting skin off the finger, short jumpy clips, fast.
-Names on black screen with white font, glows, same effects.
-Extreme close ups of images, short fast cuts.
-Black screen, same size font of the title, then fast cut and the title gets bigger on the screen, bold font, covers the screen, shadowed.

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