Friday, 17 September 2010

Post 2: Storyboard Drawing, Shot Sizes and Framing

In this post it shows as story board of the different shot sizes and the differences between them. I have also shown pictures that I have taken to show the shot sizes. I have also researched the Rule Of Thirds, which is showing a picture that has been split up into nine sqaures.

Section A

This is the different shot sizes that you can use. It shows what should be in different shots, e.g. in a close up shot there is no headroom whereas in a medium close up there is headroom.

Section B                             

Extreme Close Up

Close Up

Medium Close Up (MCU)
Medium Shot (MS)


3/4 Shot

Medium Long Shot (MLS)


Long Shot (LS)

Section C
Rule Of Third
The rule states that an image should be divided into nine equal sections, two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.

<-- These are examples of the rule of thirds.

This is an example of the rule of thirds being broken. The picture has not ben split up equally into nine squares they are different sizes.

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