Monday 1 November 2010

Post 5: Jump Cuts, Over- The- Shoulder Shots, Cutaways and Point of View Shots

Jump Cut- A jump cut is when editing in a film two shots of the same subject are taken from camera postions that have only changed very slightly, this type of editing causes the subject to appear to 'jump' positions.

Over- The- Shoulder Shot- in a film the shot of someone or something taken over the shoulder of another person. The shoulder of this person is used to show the image of whatever the camera is pointing towards. This type of shot is very common when people are having a dicussion, it will lead on the an establishing shot, this is to help the audience understand the setting of where the characters are.

Cutaways- editing a shot which bridges a jump in time or other break in the continuous flow of action within a scene.

Point of View Shots- is when in a short scene that shows what a character is looking at. The position of the camera is between a shot of a character looking at something and a shot of the characters reaction.

Jump Shot
Over- The- Shoulder Shot


Point Of View

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