Sunday, 7 November 2010

Post 8: Production Report

In this post i will keep a log of how I felt the filming went. I will say what went right and the things that went wrong throughout the filming.

I think that the shooting went well, i think that we had enough time to do all of the filming that was needed. Where our location was, it had noise in the background of the other students that were around the room at the time, this was a disadvantage because while we were shooting you could hear students talking in the back ground, but this may give the effect of a doctors surgery of people in a waiting room. We overcome this problem by asking the students that were around to not talk as loud while we were shooting.
I think that in our filming there was too much headroom and the camera was moving a bit, this was a disadvantage. Also you can not hear one of the people talking in the sequence, it was very quiet and we would have to either re-shoot, or either do a voice over for the person that you could not hear.
I think that our group worked well as a team because we all listened to eachothers ideas and all had our own input. We all had different ideas and we tried them to see if they would work, an example of this is the angle of shooting, we would try all the different angles to see which we thought was the best and what worked well with the location. We were all patient with each other and helped each other.

After our group sat down and watched what we had done we all had to decide whether we thought this opening sequence was good enough and if it would come together. We all said that we did not think that the first shooting was good enough and came up with the disadvantages of the first time round and these were the location, camera angles and shots and also how loud it was. We decided it would be better to shoot it again.

On the second time round we found a better location which was in a new part of the school where it is quiet and will not cause other sounds while shooting. We also had organised ourselves better and thought trough the camera angles that we would use and the shot sizes. We also had a couple new ideas, such as a view of the paitient in the waiting room, we did this shot through a door and we also played music while this was happening to give an emotional effect.
We felt that this shoot went better than the first because the location was better and fit the scene, also we did the filming in less time because we were more organised and knew exactly what shots we needed and the angles of them.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Post 7: Additional Pre- Production Documentation

In this post i will have a number of technical assesments which included the risk assesment, location recce, technical recce, shooting schedule, mise en scene and cast, crew, equiptment and prop list. 

Location Reccee
The Location Reccee is where we took pictures of our location and it is a set of images that are put together to give an idea of what the location looks like. We have written about the lighting in the room and saying what changes could be made to make the room more practical and how we are going to make it look like what it is suposed to be, in our case it is set in a doctors surgery and we have said what we are going to do to change it.
Cast and Prop List
We have done a cast and prop list to show what props we are going to use while filming. We said that we will use things such as medical posters, a computer screen etc. All of these props will help to set the scene of the doctors surgery.

Risk Assesment
In the risk assesment we have identified the hazzards of the location. All of theproblems we found we had to find ways to sort them out to try and make the location safer for when we film. The hazzards could cause an injury while filming. We put all of these things into a table and said how we can improve and make the room safer.

Mise- en- scene
Mise- en- scene means all of the different elements that help work together to make a film.

  • Set Design/ Location
    For our sequence our room will have alot of room around it and will have the atmosphere of a doctors surgery. Along one side of the room it has a number of windows to make the room light, it has a dark carpet and one door.
  • Lighting
    In our location it has a number of windows along the side of the room which
     provides alot of natural light which makes the room light. There are also a number of strip lights on the ceiling which will also give more light.
  • Character Movement
    The first shot is of one of the doctors sitting at the desk on the phone and the second shot shows one of the doctors enetering the room and walking over to the desk and then sits down, it films the two doctors talking to each other
      using shot reverse shot and then the same doctors walks back out of the room.
  • Props
    For our opening sequence we needed to use props that will make our room look like a doctors surgery, we used medical body posters to put on the walls instead of having nothing on them. We had a desk with a compter screen on it and a notepad on the table, also with a bottle of water by the side of it. We have used these posters to give the effect of the doctors surgery.
  • Costume
    For the opening sequence we have not made the two doctors look like typical doctors such as a white coat, we have them in casual/ smart clothes to make them look professional. We have not put them in the typical doctors outfit because we wanted to make the shot be interesting and for the audience to question who they were.
  • Hair/ Make-up
    The hair and make-up for the opening sequence will have a smart and professional look, the hair of both doctors will be done nicely and they will not have too much make-up on so they look like professional doctors and not too over the top

Monday, 1 November 2010

Post 4: Script Writing

Annotated Script

 In this post it shows our script. There are comment boxes around the edge of the script, and they are there because within our group we have commented on the script and explained why we have done it the way that we have. We have explained where it is
set and when the music comes in etc.

Section C
When making a film you need to think of continuity issues when you are writing the script, an example of this is if something is past across the table to the other person you need to make sure that when you are filming that the object is the same way and that it is not different in a different angle shot. Also you need to make sure that the characters are in the same postion and have not changed where they are standing or sitting or even the way they are sittin because if in one shot the person is standing straight and the next they are slouching you will be able to see this when editing.

Post 5: Jump Cuts, Over- The- Shoulder Shots, Cutaways and Point of View Shots

Jump Cut- A jump cut is when editing in a film two shots of the same subject are taken from camera postions that have only changed very slightly, this type of editing causes the subject to appear to 'jump' positions.

Over- The- Shoulder Shot- in a film the shot of someone or something taken over the shoulder of another person. The shoulder of this person is used to show the image of whatever the camera is pointing towards. This type of shot is very common when people are having a dicussion, it will lead on the an establishing shot, this is to help the audience understand the setting of where the characters are.

Cutaways- editing a shot which bridges a jump in time or other break in the continuous flow of action within a scene.

Point of View Shots- is when in a short scene that shows what a character is looking at. The position of the camera is between a shot of a character looking at something and a shot of the characters reaction.

Jump Shot
Over- The- Shoulder Shot


Point Of View